construction updates

The following information is provided by Pilot Grove C-4 School District as a service to its patrons. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Ashley Groepper, Superintendent at (660) 834-6915 or email

Secure doors

Construction is now complete on the exterior doors.  New entrance doors have been added to the elementary and middle school wings as well as a new set of exterior doors at the commons.  These new doors provide a more secure exterior as well as provide a better weather block with double pane glass to keep the cold out; which is incredibly nice on those cold winter days! 

Asphalt work

Concrete work

One of our Preschooler's parents worked on the concrete installation, so the kids went outside to check out the progress!


Softball field light removal for replacement

from our students

building goals


  • New Secure Classroom Doors

  • Add Cameras to Address Blind Spots Throughout the Campus


  • New Parking Surface to All Lots

  • Replace HVAC in the Commons, AG Classroom & Preschool For Efficiency

  • Upgrade Outdoor Restrooms at the Ball Fields


  • Upgrade Fire Alarm System

  • Address Failing Walls on the Softball Field

  • Lights on Softball Field are Unreliable & Power Lines Run Overhead

completed projects using other funding sources

  • New Dishwasher, Double Oven, Milk Cooler & Steam Table

  • Upgrading District Phone System

  • Added Access Control to AG & Preschool Classroom Doors

  • Upgraded Wireless Infrastructure to Accommodate for District-wide 1:1 Chromebook Initiative

  • Deadbolts Added to All Classroom Doors Throughout the District

  • Upgraded to LED Lighting District-wide

financial impact

Fiscal Year


Debt Service


















The Board of Education has made good financial decisions to prepay and refinance previous debt and has saved the district $305,758 in interest.

This bond issue will not change the current debt tax rate. Please see the last four years of tax rates to the left.

more information from the superintendent

ballot language bond information

Shall the Board of Education of the Pilot Grove C-4 School District, Missouri, without an estimated increase in the current debt service property tax levy, borrow money in the amount of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000) for the purpose of providing funds to implement safety and security improvements, including secure entrances, exterior and interior door upgrades, replacement of the bell system and fire alarms, and new cameras; to replace heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for increased energy efficiency; to complete improvements to the District’s outdoor athletic facilities; to the extent funds are available, complete other repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the District; and issue general obligation bonds for the payment thereof?

If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.7173 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.
